everything comes down to improving the efficacy of the nervous system and reducing inflammation in the body. With chiropractic adjustments, NAET and Craniosacral Therapy, our chiropractor is enhancing nervous system function and minimizing inflammation in the body, which may help reduce symptoms your child is suffering. Since we use a multidisciplinary approach here at Therapies 4 Kids, I encourage you to seek a consultation with our Chiropractor.
Treats conditions that may be caused by multi-allergies - Based on NAET, autism is related to having a allergies to many dietary and environmental substances. By being exposed to these allergens DAILY, this leads to constant widespread inflammation in the brain and throughout whole body.
Two events happen when there is an insensitivity to a dietary item:
By treating this allergies on an energetic level using homeopathy and acupuncture philosophy, some conditions may be helped. NEAT may also help children with allergies, asthma, constipation/diarrhea, milk/gluten intolerances, inflammatory bowel syndrome, some pain syndromes.
(note: Autism for speech and eye contact... incredible!)
This is a modality which treats the craniosacral system - the dural sac and cerebrospinal fluid surrounds and protects the spinal cord and brain. The dural sac is continuous and does not have "stretching" characteristics. If part of the dural sac is twisted in one region, it will torque the whole structure, which may cause restrictions ANYWHERE along the spinal cord and in the brain. We already discussed the importance of the central nervous system. In addition, these restrictions cause INFLAMMATION/IRRITATION and may result in any number of health problems which may include autism, ADD and other learning disabilities, neuromuscular condvisceral problems such as colic or reflux, etc.
Our chiropractor also offers Acupuncture which fine-tunes the body by working on the energy pathways. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is the blockage of flow through these pathways which may lead to the development of conditions - such as pain syndromes, neuromuscular conditions, visceral conditions, etc.