You have heard this a million times. And yes, precise timing is crucial to athletes, to produce a great performance, to musicians, to execute a perfect melody, or even to comedians, to deliver a funny punch line. Timing is also responsible for a person being able to walk without falling or to speak without stuttering. Timing is what allows us to focus, process language, keep our balance, play a sport, and even read. In fact, the ability to have accurate Neurotiming (timing in the brain) is one of the most critical factors in human performance.
Research evidenced that children with learning or developmental disorders have poor Neurotiming. When Neurotiming improves, gains are seen in:
Interactive Metronome® (IM) is a computer-based neurotherapy program used at Therapies 4 Kids that helps
strengthen the brain's ability to synchronize thought and movement to a steady metronome beat.
IM provides real-time feedback – measured to the millisecond – indicating whether the patient is
hitting before, after or in sync with the beat. The overall goal of IM training is to improve Neurotiming through
rhythm and repetition.
Over the past 10-15 years, neuroscientists have turned their focus toward studying how deficient neural
communication (impaired timing in the brain) contributes to various clinical disorders like Autism Spectrum
Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Parkinson.
Research also supports the opinion that timing in the brain can be trained and improved through appropriate,
targeted intervention.
Studies show that the Interactive Metronome® may be of benefit for:
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